Nobody gets a perfect score, but Western Civilization, led by the British Empire, was the greatest thing ever to happen to Africa, the period of exporting people from 1520 – 1805 notwithstanding or Leopold I of Belgium.  Consider this page a “fuck you” to every 3rd rate African-American studies “professor” or “D.E.I.” nazi in higher education, corporate America and the media, as well as the gutless, loser college presidents and trustees hiring and enabling them.  This includes “Democratic Socialists” (READ:  Communists) who got millions of Africans killed in the decades after Great Britain left too early.  The only continent where slavery still exists… Africa.

If I have to choose between Western Civilization (and the contributions of  other advanced societies) or “decolonization” this is a no brainer.  Then again, some people have no brains (or integrity).

L-R:  Cecil Rhodes, Arthur Burns.


Mandate in British Tropical Africa                                                                                                                                           (1922)      Sir Frederick D. Lugard
Frederick Lugard (1858-1945) was considered one of the most effective and practical colonial administrators of the British Empire.  This book can be considered an operations manual for how to successfully lead and develop colonies for the benefit of the native population.  A man of his times (i.e., Empire forever), Lugard surveys in detail and with economic statistics the development of each significant British colony in Africa, the successes, challenges and long-term vision (at the time).  Most of these colonies developed because of the British public’s demand to stamp out slavery, promoted by Christian missionaries, and the desire by many locals to not be enslaved or oppressed by their unenlightened tribal chiefs.  Many British civil servants sacrificed their lives in this effort.

Introduction to the History of East Africa                                                                                                                              (1963)      Z.A. March & G. Kongsnorth
Written as a survey of East African history and provides a straightforward view of life, society and reality as the British found it with slavery being widespread and African life cheap.  The locals had no problem with attacking and depopulating villages, forcing the survivors to carry ivory with 50-80% dying on the way to Zanzibar or elsewhere for sale, sometimes local but usually to Arab traders.   

Dead Aid:  Why Aid Is Not Working and How There
Is a Better Way for Africa 
(2009)      Dambisa Moyo
Whether in Africa, U.S., Europe or anywhere, the only people benefitting from non-economically based financial support are the bureaucrats, financiers and big businesses that get a piece of the action.  Dr. Moyo labored at the World Bank for two years and Goldman Sachs for eight before turning to writing, lecturing and serving on corporate boards.

Rhodes:  A Life                                                                                                                                                                                (1929)      J.G. McDonald
Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) was larger than life.  Sent to the Cape Colony (pre-South Africa) at age 17 to improve his health, he turned to mining and with financial backing bought up and consolidated the mining of diamonds while simultaneously promoting the British Empire (and founding Rhodesia) and improving the lives of native Africans not only with jobs and the benefits of civilization but also getting them to not raid each other’s villages to kill people, steal their cattle and…you get it.  This book is a hagiography written by an admirer who worked for him.  His views of africans at the time were, to be frank, paternalistic.  Then again, there wasn’t much civilization going on at the time and he was respected and (generally) beloved by natives and Europeans alike.    

The Last Imperialist:  Sir Alan Burns’ Epic Defense
of the British Empire                                                                                                                                                                       (2021)      Bruce Gilley
This is the best book written on western colonialism in the past 50 years if not longer.   Gilley is a professor of political science who published an article entitled “The Case for Colonialism” in an advance online edition of Third World Quarterly in 2017.  Of course, fifteen members of the journal’s board resigned and the article was pulled owing to threats of violence.  Happily, the National Association of Scholars (of which I am a member) did publish it in 2018.  This book is his latest work and one will find, in Sir Alan Burns, a man respected in every colony he governed and an opponent of racism (by anyone) throughout his career.  Read it and you will learn a ton – plus piss off lefties and cowards.  

Race & Culture                                                                                                                                                                                  (1995)       Thomas Sowell
“Encompassing more than a decade of research around the globe, this book shows that cultural capital has far more impact than politics, prejudice, or genetics on the social and economic fates of minorities, nations, and civilization.” (per Amazon)      Dr. Sowell always confronts idiocy and emotion with facts and analysis.